One of the goals of the project was to make the robot move in the nice, fluid way. A lot of work went into things that can not be shown by photos - coding and preparing the moves. To make it even more fun I had to redo some electronics - the robot stopped working after just sitting idle for half a year
Anyway during the preparations I prepared a storyboards - my final animation was supposed to resemble the original movie:
I turned my flat into mini photo studio for a couple days
I'm not a photographer or filmaker - using a tripod is as far as that goes
but I decided to try using a couple of spotlights and a smokemachine
The smokemachine turned out to be harder than I thought. You basically have to know how to use it. Having a good camera dosn't gurantee making good photos - the same for a smoke machine. Anyway, I needed it for making photos of the lasers, so it wasn't completelly waster
Oh, and I haven't reallized that smoke from smokemachine raises straight up. You need cold smoke in order for it to sit on the ground, so I had to improvise that. 5 liter bottle filled with ice cubes served as cooler for smoke: