Tamed Panther: “Cuckoo”

Interesting captured Tiger tank…
Where? ;)

...nice use of the back of PE bending tool, and good advice on gentle scoring.
Thanks. If you need a 90-degree bend, it's usually much easier to use the back of the tool than the front — if only because pressing down is easier than trying to lift up from underneath with some flat tool.
Good advice, I'd have lifted the tool while keeping the large part flat on the bench. I do think your way is better, less stress or reliance on the clamping ability.
Doing that is how I ended up figuring out that it's easier to press down for folds like this :)

On to the front mudguards. I didn't see myself making these with my limited skills, but luckily, my father was taught metalworking in school long ago, and still enjoys making things from it. A while after I handed him the mudguards I sawed off the model and the aluminium sheet I used for the side skirt rails, he gave me back two copies of them in aluminium :) All I then had to do was cut them to size, dent them, and add strengthening ribs and rivets …


The ribs are 0.5 mm plastic strip that I scraped down on one side to make (more or less) half-round rod, while I made the rivets with a punch and die set. The headlight is from the kit, set on a piece of plastic card glued under the opening I cut in the left mudguard (to match the real tank). I did have to bend and slightly shorten the power cable, because as moulded it doesn't match the real Panther G.

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