With the mudguards added, I can start working on the tool racks on the sides:

They're not yet done, because I didn't feel like making those little clamps tonight anymore, the ones that German armour modellers all seem to think are so important to add

With this kit, you get all of the tools and racks in both plastic and etched brass, but oddly, the bits of tube are not supplied for adding to the etched parts. I made them from 1 mm plastic rod for the upper ones (that the tow cable hooks onto when stowed), and 1.5 mm aluminium tube for the lower ones (for the tow shackle) — but the latter only on the right, because
Cuckoo didn't have them on the left. Don't ask me why they're missing, but I can't see them in photographs. What's more, Dragon made two small mistakes with these tubes: the upper one on the plastic part is too long, the lower ones are too thin. For some other details Dragon missed, I used plastic strip.
I know all of this because I have these:

And this is how those tool clasps work:

(Photos of the Panther G at Bovington, taken by me in the autumn of 2000. Never throw anything away
