Afternoon Every Peeps,
Thank you all so very much for your comments, it's great having you all along for the ride, much appreciated.
Things have been difficult the last couple of days, I seem to of lost some momentum.
Nothing seems to want to fit together.
1. One of the BEST ;D things about scratch building is that you don't have instructions to follow.
2. One of the WORST :'( things about scratch building is that you don't have instructions to follow.
The classic double edged lightsaber thingy.....
I'm experiencing number 2 at the moment, big time.
This usually happens when painting is involved, not my favourite thing to do.
But anyhoo, here goes.............
Glued in the reflectors from some old LED lamps
Assembled engine innards
Splashed around some more primer, Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm primer
Colin drawn
Colin beheaded
Started to re-build Colin for much less than six million dollars with everybodys friend, especially Colins, Apoxie sculpt.
Also cut a small wedge and bent his legs back, filled and sculpted, my first ever attempt
Filled and sculpted the middle section.
A quick splash of primer to show me what's occuring
Hit the engines and all additional components with matt black
Chrome silver
Painted innards
Masked and gloss blacked ready for other stuff to happen
Thats about the size of it so far this week.
Take care
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