Cool, thanks for such an explanatory answer.
And it would be great if You take a couple of pics from inside of this babe before sealing her up))
Lighting scheme for this model was always a mystery for me, as I had no idea of what to use and how in order to make the lights bright enough to be seen, but along with that not too bright for it was not too visible that there are simple electronics inside instead of the interior.
And, trust me, I know exactly how You're feeling about painting it. Painting is the part of model building I'm most bad at as I think, and I'm always afraid to ruin everything at this point. I'd suggest You to take it easy, and instead of post shading like most people do make preshading - it is a technique that is almost impossible to ruin. Just apply black coat over some areas of the ship like panel lines and on the front of the deflector (it looks a bit blueish on this pic
After that, spray the base coat all over the ship, so that the preshading lines are barely visible
There are some places on the hull which color differs a bit from the primal. To achieve smooth effect, I'd recommend place masking around the area You want to reshade, and spray just minimum ammount of fairly thinned paint - not to color the area completely, but to give just a little sence of another color. This should be taken slowly, and don't worry - if You screw up, just don't rush unmasking and color the bad area with the prime color again.
Finally, few modeler's do it, but mine Voy will undergo this procedure for sure - You might consider giving her some weathering. Star Trek ships are usually pristine, but it is a call of scale, and this one is a comparatively small ship. And considering the adventures she faced, she doesn't seem to have undergone washing (or what do those guys from Fed-on use, barionic wash if I remember correctly, one of my favorite series btw
Well, thats what it seems to me. But I have not built this kit yet myself, so take my words sceptically
Ah, and there are some excellent reference pics for painting Voy on, in case You have not seen them yet.