1/35 X-wing - Forced perspective Diorama

Re: 1/35 X-wing

Could definitely work, but the little X has no landing gear. Just a heads-up
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Cool. At that scale it wouldn't need much in the way of detail. Toothpicks and chewing gum.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Thanks guys. I think it'll be cool too.

So...the A-Wing is ready for primer...well almost. Here's what I've done to her.

I opened one panel, yes one and did a wee bit of detailing

Since the canopy is going to be open I filled the 'snap' openings with Aves, just pushed it up through the bottom and removed excess with blade after it setup a bit.

Gave the front end a bit of weight with left over Aves to help..and CA too

This was the biggest part. I moved the rear landing gear backwards, filled the holes where they originally went and then fabricated some bay doors. Since this is landed and will be in the forced perspective dio you won't see the actual bays so I didn't make them.

I used my No.11 to open the ends of the main guns. No rescribing, no major surgery. I'll be sure to preshade the panel lines and use that to try and achieve the right look. Still have to glue top to bottom.

Last thing to do is to try to figure out a way to get the canopy to attach in an open position. ANY IDEAS?


Once that is done (figuring out a way to attach canopy) I'll seal it up and paint. I am debating 2 paint schemes:

Standard Red

or McQuarrie Blue

Either way it will have homemade Rogue Squadron Decals on it.

Thanks for looking!

Oh, while I'm thinking of it. I thought that if I primer grey and then 'preshade' the panel lines with the edge of a black sharpie marker...just run it along the top of the raised panel lines making a nice crisp line...think that would work?
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Looks great, Scott. Liking the open panel with the guts exposed.

Scott Girvan said:
Last thing to do is to try to figure out a way to get the canopy to attach in an open position. ANY IDEAS?

Those with more experience than me may have a solution, but I'd say you'd get away with a small upright somewhere.

Once that is done (figuring out a way to attach canopy) I'll seal it up and paint. I am debating 2 paint schemes:

Standard Red

or McQuarrie Blue

Hmmm... Red or Blue. Just to be awkward, I'll say Green! ;D Seriously, I always liked that colour for the A-wings.

Oh, while I'm thinking of it. I thought that if I primer grey and then 'preshade' the panel lines with the edge of a black sharpie marker...just run it along the top of the raised panel lines making a nice crisp line...think that would work?

Haven't the foggiest. Sorry. ;D
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Thanks punkpigpen.

Green...yeah I like green too. There will be a green X-wing beside this A-Wing...

As for canopy, this was just posted over at SSM.



Just checked the kit and a canopy mod like above would be major surgery. So that's a no go.

I think I'll just attempt something like this - not quite sure what glue I should use??
Re: 1/35 X-wing

OK, blue gets my vote.

I like the slidey canopy, but are there any canon references contrary to this?
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Nice update Scott. Some real nice progress here! Given the choices, I'll say blue! I'd be carefull with the sharpie. They tend to bleed through paint big time. Try an experiment (I know you will anyway) on some scrap using the same paints plastic etc that you plan to use for real. The canopy...Hmmmm...I want to say white glue but that's not the strongest. Could you somehow peg (dowl) it on without too much trouble or without it being too obvious? Nice techniques with the Aves. I gotta get some of that stuff, everyone seems to rave about it and it does look very usefull.

I'm not sure this is an OOB build ;) but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt ;) ;D. Keep up the great work on this project dude!!
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Liking the slide canopy for the A-wing.

Blue scheme would look great.

Looks like you still have work to do with this one :p
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Hi, Scott.
Great progress here! I myself enjoy both paint-schemes, but the red the still lies closer to my heart, an't really explain why :)

On the sliding canopy, I think, You could make it easier. The problem with it that I see is that to do it fairly You would have to somehow cut the hole section around the cockpit, then make some inside mashinery e.t.c. But all that would probably be impossible to see from the lightbox, so I sujjest simply to sand off the small plastic canopy ending on the front of the cockpit. Then surround the canopy with a styrene border and put in place in opened position. That would look just right and won't take much time to execute.

Last, about the panel lines. I've tried that once myself, and in my version that was a complete mess ;D I found itto hard to keep the line steady along with keeping it directly on top of the panel-line. It was either falling to the side, or just looked like a wave. So I went another way, and just did a slightest black drybrushing possible - the paint was left only on the top of those lines.
I'm almost sure You're not going through the hell of rescribing panel lines with this one, right? ;)
Re: 1/35 X-wing

I like that Blue A-wing!!

Nothing to add that others have already done, they have good suggestions!
Re: 1/35 X-wing


Yeah ! I'm diggin on th Blue too. It'll throw some contrast in there !

Rock-On Bro !! \m/_\m/
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Well like Solander I'v always liked the red colour, but that would be cool with a green one next to it, you could even have a droid next to it spraying on the markings (read in one of the novels about that actually). The reference pic if those jets are so similar to the A wing! Even has little red triangle markings! And about the canopy, I'v always imagined it opening upwards. Like previously said little strut or latch at the back of the canopy?
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Thanks guys. I appreciate the feedback.

I will not rescribe this. If it was a 'hero' kit I would try, but not this one.

merseajohn....are you inside my head? LOL. A droid painting markings is on the 2do list. I'll make a decal that is half painted or something...and have a mask still on the ship.

So sharpie is no then. I don't want wavy lines. I'll pull out the Badger Velocity and preshape with it.

Still undecided as to blue or red. There will be Coran Horns green X-Wing in this bay. My goal is to simply make the squadron look as though it's 'thrown together' and not have everything a uniform color.

As for canopy...hmmm. I think I might try pinning it up/open. From a viewers point of view I think they will 'get it' better that way. You know what I mean...the regular non-modeler viewer.

Thanks again. I appreciate the comments and conversation.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

How goes the work on the X wing per say ??? you are undertaking quite the project there Scott !

will look pretty Stunning !!! Keep at her Hey !

Re: 1/35 X-wing

Hey Norm. Make more videos buddy! I'm all caught up.

The X-Wing is on the back burner. I'm working on this as a whole, I work on the X for a bit, them when I get a bit tired of that I move to something else....so the project moves forward.

I guess it would be more efficient to finish one thing competely and then do something else but whatever, it's a hobby. It will all get done. After this A-wing I'll be back on the X landing gears.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

LOL ! more movies... LOL Funny guy !

Ok... techniques or In box reviews... ??? I got tons of FM star wars kits... LOL want those Reviewed ?

Take Care buddy ! 8)

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