1/35 X-wing - Forced perspective Diorama

Re: 1/35 X-wing

LOL - insanity.

Not quite sure how I'll pull the outside / inside idea off. Need to make some drawings.
Re: 1/35 X-wing


I just ordered the 144 Falcon - and the canopy masks. Couldn't resist.

I've been building the 1/72 Y-Wing last day or so...first FineMolds kit I try and man they are soooo sweet.

I'll put this one to good use somewhere...


So here is the list of kits that will be in this diorama. I've decided that this is now official my life's work and I will not rest until it is complete.

1/35 ProshopXwing (Jaina Solo)

1/48 AMT A-wing
1/48 (well really 1/43) AMT X-wing - Corran Horn's

1/72 FineMolds Y Wing
1/72 Fantastic Plastic B-Wing

1/144 FineMolds Millenium Falcon
1/144 T-47 Airspeeder

1/35 Scratchbuilt hangar shuttle
1/48 Scratchbuilt hangar shuttle (perhaps)
1/72 Trilliance hangar shuttle

Figures in all scales.

I think that just about covers Rogue Squadron...except for a V-Wing Airspeeder.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Oh, WOW! This is going to be something INCREDIBLE when finished. Great plans.
You know, Scott, even at the planning stage it look increddible in my mind ;D

P.S: not only all of the vehicles covered here, but also all the common scales. You've go only to take the 1/350 Blockade Runner left. It will be placed on the far side of the dio, an as with it's dimensions it would have no chance to fly past other ships and fit the cave's/hangar's entrance, the rock would turn into a long asleep volcano with it's muzzle serving as additional entrance for big alliance ships (Corellian corvetes, transports e.t.c)
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Thanks Solander! I think it's going to be alot of work and alot of fun!

A Blockage runner would be nuts....

If anyone has any ideas for how I can combine forest outdoor and bunker feel free to post a drawing...I'm open to ideas...
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Sounds like you've got a full plate here, Scott.
Definitely going to need lights for it.
Re: 1/35 X-wing


Rock-On with th Big Plans !! ...but .... Stay on Target .... Stay on Target ....

I really Dig th Idea of th Hidden Rebel Base & th fact that it could be a 1/2 Shadow Box , 1/2 Exterior Dio !!

I haven't put Pen to paper yet .... but ... You could take th Footprint of the "Hanger Bays " & Then construct a Wire Mesh ... Cone around it & do th Volcano Thing in Paper Masche ( it would be a whole lot lighter on th base material) ? Or it could be a Volcano that Blew it's Top ( sorta like Mt. St. Helens - blew th side right off, so you would have a partial Volcano with a Big hole on th Top/Side, that way those Big Correlians could land in there No Problem ) Make th Blast Doors functional ... meaning you could be able to operate then to Reveal th Inner Hangers , ...... and Light that Sukka' !!

Although .... this is reminding Me of that Mashed Potato scene from Close Encounters ..... ;D

Close Encounters of the Third Kind mashed potato scene

;D ;D I Really Dig where this is Goin ..... Keep it up !!! I lok forward to th Next Progress shots !
Re: 1/35 X-wing

LOL - I can relate to Dreyfus in that scene. LOL.

....Make the Blast Doors functional....

Funny you should mention that...I've been thinking about that for about 2 weeks now. I though it would be cool to the have interior lights and the outer blast doors on the same switch. Press the switch, doors open and light come on. Not sure what motor could be used to open the doors however something tells me the motor from a computer CD/DVD player/burner might work. I'm good friends with the local computer repair guys and I'll be seeking their advice on this.

Found some 144 ground crew guys last night too. :)
Re: 1/35 X-wing

LOL Scott :eek:

Everyone is having delusions of grandeur !!! (Star Wars VI ::Solo:: Line, intentionally placed there...)
I sure hope your Energy (Vitamine B12) levels stays UP!!! for the Duration !!! By that, I wish you well !! NO punt intended... even if peoples think I'm pessimistic.... LOL

I would hate to see you slow down or even stop that Dio ! I had big hopes in the HOTT dio but... that's for another time...

Are you gonna build an Addition to the House...?


Force perspective is quite demanding in Real state... !

The Modular Idea is the way to go... I think... easier to store and transport ! easier to concentrate on if you plan to work on ONE at the time.... and Keep Adding...

Good luck with that ! Can't wait to see some of it... painted ! Keep going...

You are our only Hope ! oh we'll be waiting by the pool side.... if you don't mind !
but we will be checking in now and then.... to see your progress !

No peer pressure... !
Re: 1/35 X-wing

don't go into the light.
Man, this little project of yours is turning into a monster project. However, it will be awesome if it turns out as well as your 1/35 X-wing.......Hey, by the way, are you still working on that? ;D
;D ;D ;D
Re: 1/35 X-wing

LOL - I'll finish HOTH some day...it's still there, in the cave, in a box, on a shelf.

I built an addition on the house 3 years ago...for this stuff :) seriously.

As for the 1/35 X-wing. I was getting a bit tired of sanding so I built the A-Wing and now I'm about 1/2 done the FineMolds Y-Wing. After that I'll work on the 35X again. I'm just about ready to get more done on it.

Just having fun....not getting to caught up in details really. Everything other than the 35X will be pretty much OOB builds. Maybe a few dents here and there and an open panel but no huge conversions.

My entire life is a delusion of grandeur - :)
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Nice avatar Goat boy, did you pick that out all yourself?


Oh look! Something shiny...

Re: 1/35 X-wing

Hey, Scott!
I was so excited with the new horizons of your super-druper project, that, even being far not the best artist, decided to show You a small scetch of how I see it. (No kicks, please, the last time I tried to paint something was at least 2 years ago :))
the relative scales are certainly not considered.

So, what You see here is a some kind of picture border as a foundation. 2/3 of it's space is occupied with a big black box with an openable top. There the rebells base is situated. I imagine the inside structure as something like the new Battlestar Gallactica hyangar, with the angled supports for the roof (it is pure rock) On the far side of the hangar the Falcon is situated with it's nose directly to the blast doors, like it was on the Echo base. The hangar can be dismounted into several sections (by scale) and presented separately. The electronics for hangar lighting are also fitted in the box.

One of the outer sides of the box simulates the rocky texture. There i a cave entrance in it, with the border of the blast doors (also refering to how it looked on the echo base) In front of it is a flat-top cliff, where the X-Wng stands. It is surrounded by small ground lights (like on Yavin) and maybe is preparing to take a start, with mechanics and droids making final preflight preparations.

The bottom of the cliff lies in a sea of treetops (the ground isinvisible)

Well, that's what I'd have dreamt to built if now limitations considered.

Hope this "brainstorm" would give You at least some help.

Keep on this project, buddy, it's idea is outstanding! ;)
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Scott, if you could build that, you surely would be the G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time).;D
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Solander - dude. That is awesome. Thank you for taking the time to present that. We are definately thinking along the same lines. I like your idea of having the cliff with the X-Wing on it. I didn't consider that. Note that the X-Wing that is outside will be in the middle of wing replacement...just a minor detail.

Looks really cool man. What I love about it is that I get to model outdoor terrain and indoor mechanics within the hangar. This project is simply getting funner and funner.

Igard - that's funny man.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

This is great! Solander I think your idea is good and we have the man with the skills to create it ;) ganna be awsome! :D
Re: 1/35 X-wing

A quick status report simply to state that the Y-Wing is just about complete (build) - I'll post a pic later.

Then, on to the X-Wing.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

There's an X-Wing in this build?

Looking forward to this, Scott. ;D
Re: 1/35 X-wing

This project gets better and better! Scott, I'm pretty sure you are aware of the Kamloopian and his works yeah? Might help you with the outdoor scenery. Keep it rolling along bro!!

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