1/35 X-wing - Forced perspective Diorama

Re: 1/35 X-wing

fumblethumbs - that's a good point.

After seraching the star wars wiki there is a forklift that was designed for a game:

and there is a droid called the Binary Load Lifter too:

The only reason I want to add some kind of crane is to achieve lots of vertical height to the diorama. I think it will look cool having something up high.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

I don't know. I think I can make that crane look starwars. My mind is not made up just yet either way.

Maybe some kind of hovering winch, with 4 magnetic thrusters and piloted by an R2 unit.???

If I had a rigid enough cable the entire thing could be in the air -just need to have the damaged wing still contacting the Xwing.

Crewd sketch:

[attachment deleted by admin]
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Definitely! Love it. You could make a stiff "cable" with 1/16" brass rod. Maybe pull the rod lengthwise against an old, very fine razor saw blade. Slightly turn the rod as you pull to represent cable strands. Don't know....just wingin' it here. You could put some very subtle curves in the "cable". The sketch has got Star Wars written all over it!! That's how they lift stuff over there, I just know it.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

It sure looks like a Star Wars machine to me too.

If it's doable, then go for it!
Re: 1/35 X-wing

I whipped up a quick sketch in Google Sketchup.


Something like that maybe?
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Personally, I like the train you're on Scott. This rig really looks the part. It gives you the verticle height you're looking for and is interesting to look at too. I'm sure whatever you end up with will rock!
Re: 1/35 X-wing


I'm still not sold on it...maybe because I'm designing it. Maybe it's the 100% humidity. I don't know. We'll see what I come up with.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

I do like the idea Scott, it looks kind of 'attack of the clones' era to me? Theres just something about the round hover rings...looks a bit 'futureistic' (I know that sounds stupid) I like to think that the rebel crafts/machinery have a square, kind of look...lots of corners!! I dont know what I'm going on about really....wheres that beer? is it friday yet??? ???
Re: 1/35 X-wing

it looks kind of 'attack of the clones' era to me - -

THAT'S IT! There was something unsettling to me about the design and I think you nailed it. Not that it's terrible...could be starwars but yeah...clonesish.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

It looks really cool but the prop thing is really throwing me off.

Seems like the technology at the time was better than props/rotors, thinking of the hover craft type vehicles on Tatooine in episode four (Lukes speeder) and six (Jaba's sand barges) they all seemed like they may have had things like anti gravity hooziwhatsis or magnetic field generator thingies... Plus, would the wash of those rotors cause problems for the crew on the ground?

Personally, I liked the cranes or droid ideas better. :-\

I dunno, just sayin'
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Yeah, not that I dont think it looks good, I liked the first pic of the forklift you posted (and its nice to finally know what a binary load lifter looks like! :-\) Maybe have a look at some concept drawings, I'll have a look through some of my refrence books and see if theres anything in them for you.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

merseajohn said:
(and its nice to finally know what a binary load lifter looks like! :-\)

lol right?

I was thinking the same thing. ;D
Re: 1/35 X-wing

LOL. I read the star wars wiki like some guys read history books. Insanity I tell you.

Yeah - I'm leaning back to a take on one of these...but more StarWars looking. Add a droid, maybe lose the wheels..really beat up. The arm could be more articulated, not just a beam. Make it look like it's from the same manufacturer as the shuttle I made.

Re: 1/35 X-wing

I think you are on the right track here. It is the rebel alliance after all. They don't have a lot of money, so they would have gotten something cheap. An actual crane would be cheaper and easier to maintain.

The flying droid ideas are fine, but the round things on the sides do put it off.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Thanks for the replies guys.

fumblethumbs - thanks for helping me push the idea a bit. It's great to get both sides of opinions.

I think I see what I want to do - now to build it.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

OK I'v gone through my refrence and only got a couple of pics, hope these dont fuzz your brain up now that you have an idea in your head!


Re: 1/35 X-wing

No worries. Those are great thanks. Haven't seen that last one before. Nice gantry. - I thknk that's what they call those.

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