
Ha ha -- no ,
I'm working on the Friuls right now . Cleaning them up . and I was just thinking about that plan ... I'm going to prime them with the Tamiya Fine Surface Primer instead of my usual Rust-Oleum since there is so much fine detail and that sandable primer may be too heavy .
Then airbrush the flesh areas with a flesh-base color and airbrush the rest the base uniform color and then go in and finish up with brush work .
I finally bought a bottle of the Vallejo thinner for brush work - WOW . what a difference . Huge improvement across the board .

I started on the Panther's running gear while I was waiting on more figs to be delivered so I'm going to go ahead and finish it up sans weathering

Then I'll go back to building people .
I've got some Feldgendarmerie and some civilians for around the corner -- - I guess it looks like I'm going to pay 30 bucks for that nun ::) ;D - she's really the only thing I want out of that kit , , but in my head , I've worked her into the scene over there - so :p

The next couple of days are gonna be like Christmas ;D - I've got 4 deliveries inbound .
And doing all this shipping lately , I've noticed that US Mail is fast . At least for me . They always beat UPS and Fed Ex .
I also noticed that the Fed Ex shipping prices went down sharply with HLJ . ? . Maybe they renegotiated with them . Good news whatever the reason
I have ruined som figs with Tamiya primer, now I airbrush very thin Tamiya flat black or white. Works greate for me.
I might try that thinner, is it for air brush or brush?

30 bucks for a nun at Huffinstrasse, sweet lord.
I'm talking about the rattle-can one .

How did you ruin figs with it ? I have a new can of it I bought weeks ago - I guess I need to definitely do a test spray or two since I've never used it .

Honestly , I've never felt like I was losing any detail when using the Rust-Oleum .
I'll check it out when I go to primer these Friuls . I'm using the Rust-O on the tracks but I'll spray some stuff with the Tamiya to see if I survive . .. .

Yeah - that thinner is for brush painting .
I've been using AB thinner and / or water as a thinner -- but this thinner makes the paint , well , FANTASTIC !

the page at Scale Hobbyist : https://www.scalehobbyist.com/catagories/Paint_and_Construction/thinner-medium-60ml/VLJ00073524/product.php?s=3&t=1&u=3&pg=1&ppp=48&sb=stocknumber&so=a&man=VLJ

I'm ordering that 2-door from them so the nun might as well hitch a ride wid-it - " get in , Sister . You're going to Texas ! "

. . .. maybe crush that little go-cart van and park the Panther on it ;D

you know , just to justify cost
I ruined it by applying to much (ratle can), just being clumsy. Pretty strong smell, need lots of ventilation and thats another reason I dont use it. I got more control with air brush and deluted acrylics.

Thanks for the tip, is it paint retarder? I sometimes get texture when painting faces.. Try to blend and do tranitions but paint dries a little before im done. Ill usally thin with water.

Looking forward to see what you will do with the nun.
How about Benny hill? Saving him up for some other project?
Ah - thank you for reminding me about Benny .. he can participate in the Tamiya primer test . Hopefully it will be his Bikini Atoll ;)

The nun and an old woman , Frau Mueller , are angry and complaining to the Feldgendarmerie " I know your Colonel ... "

All I can say about the thinner is definitely check it out .
Oh, Frau Mueller again, not the first time she tell them to quite down and just behave like normal people?

Ill get that Vallejo thinner next time I order stuff.

I don't need any of the Jagd's 12.8 cm ammo in this dio , but I had to aquire some .

If only for this photo :

next to the little 88


28 kg going 900 meters a second


that should work , . . Yes ? -- and the Jagd's longer gun should have those biscuits chooching even faster 8)

Back to building tracks .
I might have them fully assembled by late tonight . If I make it to late tonight . Definitely by the end of tomorrow
The Friuls are assembled -- I'm waiting for the CA gel to set and then I'll trim the 'pins' .

I'll post a pic with the track on the displaced suspension before I start the paint .

Look at this :

From the Tamiya instructions -


.. . look at the hull number on the aft bulkhead .

Here's the bulkhead for those not familiar with the Panther ;


.. . . move ol' Doctor Octupus out of the way and shut that hatch -

we know the handhold latches level .
The 1 would be waaay up and over and definitely at like a what ? 15 degree slant off plumb . ???

I guess that freak was sitting there when they painted it 8)

" Freak , move . I need to paint this number "

Freak : " No "

The cool thing is that those goggles he's wearing are a separate item ;D ;D I like 'em .

I was going to use the Tamiya 222 that I've had for a couple of years ,, but - it's really light on detail and I need this thing opened up for all the repairs

I got this 223 for the dio and I'm so impressed by it that I ordered their 222 to replace the Tamiya , though I'll probably end up using some of it . Certainly the aluminum barrel for the 20 mm


The Hobby Boss kits have pretty much EVERYTHING . including the engines and generous amts of PE :

I made them the same length as the rubber-band tracks ???

-- but they seemed kinda too slack so I removed two links :


Looks like maybe I should put them back ?

I don't know what the proper set-up is .
I thought for sure that my one Spielberger book listed the # of links but me no find it there .
It's sumthin I definitely need to know .
Any input will be much appreciated :)

( edit : It's there ::) , along with every other number you could possibly need :p - - it was late and I had smoked a lotta cigrits )

The latest WOT , Chieftain's Hatch came out a couple of days ago and it's finally the Panther .

One thing I noticed was how shiny the wheel rims are from contacting the guide horns :

Video starting at that point : https://youtu.be/wKKktWu6Rh0?t=261

Or entire vid :


I find this : http://www.panther1944.de/index.php/en/sdkfz-171-pzkpfwg-panther/technik/kette
So - 86 links and the tracks contact the 4 th bogey when sitting all pretty on the flat .
Interestingly , the rubber-band tracks have 85 links ...

well , the one I had on there WAS 86 links . :p

The kit track is a hair longer with 85 links .


I need to finish painting the rubber on the wheels and get them glued on so I can fine-tune the track .
It's too much of a pain with everything loose .
Like a Fist-Full-O-Jenga

( this leaves 42 extra links 8) - pretty generous . I would not have expected so many . )
Finally back at this --

86 links appear to be to be the correct number for the Friul / Tamiya Nexus :


I've added disc magnets to the turret underside and a couple of ring magnets to the hull roof to hold the turret flush in spite of the barrel's mass -


.. . this obviously works only with the gun facing within a moderate-width , forward arc -- but that's where it will reside mostly .. (edit : now that the epoxy is set - I find it will hold thru 130 degrees -- I ordered some more ring magnets for the hull roof ;) )

I must volunteer that the turret will only turn through 230 degrees - due to the engine compartment hatch :


......... it only hits the one inboard hatch-hinge -- and the bottom of the mantlet barely rubs the tops of the air-intakes . not too bad considering how much longer it is 8)

I looked at reworking the engine deck to allow 360 degree rotation but decided that it wasn't necessary for the Panther K to fulfill it's mission .
This is an open country tank .
These guys like sitting , camouflaged , and dispensing targets at 3000 meters and what-not ;) - or a speedy , maneuvering fight at ranges that favor the 88

................... if you end up with the enemy directly behind you , pull the ring marked Selbstvernichtung !

Off to building figs -- the nun will arrive here tomorrow ;D ;D ;D

Even though none of that will be visible -- It can't stay like that !
Too fuglee :mad:

Thanks , Q ;D

The weird thing is that the turret OOB literally sits right atop the hull with zero clearance .

So - OK , kinda cheap but -

Weirdly , there is this circular ridge molded into the hull roof -
That you would think is there to provide the gap -- it's even the correct height ( pretty much ;) )


But the turret floor fits waaay up -more-higher :


so the ring interacts with nothing :( :


I'm thinking that there must have been another incarnation of this whole thing ???

Or maybe it's just some artifact from the molding process .
There's a whole mess of ejector pin marks on the other side :


.. .. this is making it all too strange to continue .

I'll have to scrap this whole dio and start something in WATERCRAFT
;D LOL -- me too !

She should be here soon . It's almost 3 O'clock here right now , and UPS usually shows up around this time .
& I know it's on this truck
I'm cleaning up the bench - getting ready to start cranking out the peoples 8)
Check out the gams on 'Ol Mother Superior -

;D ;D


I wonder if those are steel-toe'd orthopedics ?


.... she ain't gonna be smiling on Lange Reihe street

.. . UPS got here about 6 --- We've been having a lot of rain , still , and a storm was moving through around 4:30 and my power was going off and coming back on in about 1 minute intervals . Then after about five minutes of that it went off and stayed off .

It wasn't really raining here at that point , but I was surrounded by dark blue / black clouds and it was eerie quiet .

I was thinking ; if that package shows up right now , I don't think I'll accept it
" Yeah , sorry , that guy moved .. " ;D

The power was only off for about 15 minutes .... It really would have felt like something out of The Omen ;) . . . send that box right back to Scale Hobbyist

I've started sorting the actors out - - there's going to be more than 30 additional people , including 4 civilians as of now .

Two of the Dragon sets are their Gen 2 line :


They have done what Master Box does and then some .
I don't see the advantage of the split torso ... or head for that matter - - or the gas mask canister :D As of Yet . I'm eager to get into them .
The styrene is really dense and the details are impressive .


Anti Unity Man !!!


... . . slide his face onto Mother Mayhem's headster ;D . . that's the kinda Angry she's gonna have