I was determined to finish the tail gun today and was fairly successful.
Cut out the parts for the frame of the tail gun turret and cut out slots for the pivot pin to fit into the centre of the frame.
The frame is now assembled and ready to install the gun. It is at this point I realized a slight mistake. The Horizontal pivot should have been assembled with the coloured side in. :

I'll just colour the inside and that will cover it.
With the gun installed into the frame, it is time to cutout the skins for turret.
These had to be shaped and carefully edge glued to the turret frame. Where these skins intercede into area of the gun mount, had to be trimmed, to allow easy movement of the gun.
This assembly was then mounted into the tail gun enclosure, with two small pieces of steel wire and glued to the pivot points on the enclosure. The gun was then checked for easy vertical and horizontal movement.
Two sets of external skins are cutout shaped, then edge glued to the tail gun enclosure. Making sure that no glue touches the turret and allows free vertical movement.
I slid the front fuselage in place to have a see how it all looked with the tail gun complete. Also wanted to check the CG of the fuselage, with the tail gun installed. Just barely nose heavy. I think some weight is needed to the front fuselage before I close it up. Don't need a tail dragger. ;D
This is how it stands tonight.
Thank you for following.
Questions and comments are welcome.