Shuttle bay lit up after main subassemblies all glued together.
You can see two type 9 shuttles in the main bay and the nose of a type 8 shuttle in the back alcove to the left:

USS Voyager WIP Img - 286 by
Steve J, on Flickr
Final? Pointing up of seams with PPP and Tamiya Basic putty.
Also need to glue in the rim RCS thruster panel and finish painting the RCS thruster clusters.
Will do saucer hull painting first though with formula A enamel airbrushed:

USS Voyager WIP Img - 288 by
Steve J, on Flickr
Rim pointed up and brushed with Mister Surfacer 500.
Special attention was given to PPP still stuck in between the sensor strip detailing after saucer rim seam filling.
Offending residue was removed using warm water and a microbrush:

USS Voyager WIP Img - 289 by
Steve J, on Flickr
Shuttle bay was masked off and brushed with light grey hull color mix A. The paint is almost airbrush ready IMO and brushed very smoothly:

USS Voyager WIP Img - 290 by
Steve J, on Flickr
Spine after puttying, sanding, and brushing with Mister Surfacer 500. She'll get another light sanding before priming:

USS Voyager WIP Img - 291 by
Steve J, on Flickr
After first primer coat. I see some divots along the rim. I'll need to wait an hour to fill, sand, and prime again:

USS Voyager WIP Img - 292 by
Steve J, on Flickr
More uber detailing with PPP. I sanded and am ready to prime again:

USS Voyager WIP Img - 293 by
Steve J, on Flickr
Final primer coat on:

USS Voyager WIP Img - 294 by
Steve J, on Flickr
Priming done. Moving on to final hull coats:

USS Voyager WIP Img - 295 by
Steve J, on Flickr

USS Voyager WIP Img - 296 by
Steve J, on Flickr
Next... some more primer shots and a blue grey Voyager under flash.