All right, then.
Here's the latest on the build:
As I mentioned in the last video, I added another layer to the bottom of the control island with balsa
Given how much glue it was taking to completely seal the grain on some parts, I opted to use Squadron white putty on the control island and the fan mounts
Sanded that down with sanding screen
Glued the fans into their mounts
Cut out the elevator for "Changewind One" after doing some scaling work.
Then I opened up the hole in the flight deck for the new elevator.
Current plan is to show the elevator at mid-height, bringing CW up to the deck
I used some more balsa to address one HUGE issue with the ship as it sat now.
Namely, I built a hangar deck to be visible through the side ports
After looking again at the movie version of this thing, I decided to change the bow prfile to something a little more "aerodynamic."
Namely, I took a saw and my Dremel and cut off a sloping section
This was covered with styrene that I attached very firmly to the existing hull with Gorilla Glue and then ground and sanded to the proper size and shape
Given that my previous "Changewind One" build was to show the "premier" aircraft of the group, I decided I needed a version at 1/700 scale for this build.
So, I took a picture of her as she sits on the wall now
Did the math to get the scale right, then printed her at scale
Built her up with a combination of plastic card, Aves, and balsa
Youtube link:
Omega 7 HelicarrierSMA 2013-Part 03