Did I mention I don't like these multi piece roundels?
I need some info. Not that I can fix it now but are the starboard codes in the right position? I had the XR forward but then I figured I'd better check. The decal sheet only showed port so I jumped on the web and check someone else's model. Good thing I did cause I was wrong. So is this normally the way the RAF did it as opposed to the USAAF?
Thanks guys. It's actually down to the primer in some spots. It seems to have mainly effect the DG on the top wing and spine so if I could figure out a way to mask the roundels I might be able to save it. Pulling that off and finishing her by Thursday is a whole different ball game though. At least the kids will have something to show at the show this weekend.
Quite a bit of overspray in some places, and I'm not sure where I got that pattern for the port wing, but with some extreme weathering I may be able to pull it off. These birds did get pretty worn in short order so I'm thinking the overspray may work if I can make it look like the result of some extensive patch painting. ???
When life hands you lemons.....
.... you make lemonade.
It looks good.
Just think how you will feel about it, after you have kicked it's a$@, and whipped this ol' crate into a great model of an ol' crate!
I'm calling this one done. Not my best work. There's a couple of bits missing. Namely the antenna, mirror, and pitot. I didn't lose them, I threw them away while cleaning the bench one day. :
It's the Tamiya MK.I with the Revell MK.II spinner and prop. Pollyscale paint and aftermarket decals too.