Thanks Guys!
I hadn't realized how long it had been since my last update, but I have not been idle. What I've been up to over that past month was researching new and different painting, weathering and finishing techniques. It has been about 15 years since the last time I got a model to this stage and a lot has changed over the years. With being in the military then retiring and getting started in my second career, completing models has been next to impossible. But when I retired I promised myself to get back into this hobby full on...and so here I am today.
@Jelly my man here are answers to your questions;
1) Yes the all the dead tress are resin. I picked them up at a model show back in April from a man named Armand P. Bayardi. However he does not sell them directly, except at model shows and such. But there are a couple of web sites that do carry his line. Here are two; (FYSA 54mm is about 1/35 scale)
Military Miniatures Warehouse (
Michigan Toy Soldier Co. (
I have to say his stuff is vary, vary nice and I strongly suggest checking out this line of products.
2) The base is a Styrofoam disc that I bought at a locale craft store. The base will not be mounted into a wooden one but will be displayed more or less like it is now, of course painted and finished nicely...I hope. If you check out the picture above and the post back on Aug 14th you'll notice that the edges have been cover with Celluclay which is a paper mache. Once the edges have dried I sanded them down a bit to even them out but the end result is a ruff texture. The finial step for the base will be painting the edges. I'm currently planning on painting them a gloss black, but I may change my mind as I get further along. One more thing before I started working on the top of the base I attached a foam pad to the bottom of the base and added celluclay and then painted it gloss black, see the pic below.
Here is a link to celluclay on Amazon and it can be found on ebay as well.
3) As for attaching the model to the base that is up to the individual as to what method to use. I won't be "screwing" the model to the base but using a combination of gluing and using the sprue post as shown. This is a hold over from the method I used when I first started building models back in the day (30yrs I'm getting old) The sprue post is for add support. The model will be attached to the base by using Liquitex Acrylic Texture Gel-Blended Fibes, which BTW is what I used to do the mud on this Sherman. Since this product is acrylic, paint can be added to it during the mixing step to match the ground work on the base.
And here is a link to Liquitex on Amazon. (
I hope that was not to confusing and answered your questions, but if you have more please feel free to ask them.
The Shermi Bang-Box is well on its way to getting OD'ed. I pre-shaded it tonight in a nice Black Green and she's sitting in the drying box for the next few days. I post more here soon once the base colors have been applied.
Stay Tuned!!